Wolfgang Fink, Ph.D.
Selected list of Honors & Awards:
Special Congressional Recognition by US House of Representatives in honor of the “election by the National Academy of Inventors to its 2023 Class of Fellows.”
National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Fellow (Class of 2023) for having "demonstrated a highly prolific spirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on the quality of life, economic development, and welfare of society."
Recipient of the 2023 international SPIE Meinel Technology Achievement Award "for pioneering, sustained contributions to the development of transformational opto-medical examination and device technologies, with particular focus on visual prostheses for the blind, ophthalmology, and tele-ophthalmology."
Fellow (Class of 2023) Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO).
Recipient of the inaugural University Faculty Service Award in 2023 bestowed by the University of Arizona Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost: “This award recognizes University of Arizona faculty who have made exceptional contributions to our service mission, within their department or college, across campus, or in their scholarly community around the world.”
Co-winner of the 2021 DOE/NREL-sponsored $200,000 E-ROBOT Prize (Phase 1), an American-Made Challenge, to devise building envelope retrofit solutions that make retrofits easier, faster, safer and more accessible for workers.
Lifetime Fellow (Class of 2020) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) "for achievements in vision science for the blind and tele-ophthalmic healthcare worldwide."
Fellow (Class of 2018) Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Society for preeminent research "in the fields of PHM for Autonomous Systems and Human Health & Performance."
Recipient of 2016 University Excellence in STEM Diversity Award: “This award honors a member of the University of Arizona community (e.g., faculty, staff, researcher) who has gone above and beyond in encouraging interest and diversity in STEM fields.”
Named 2015 University of Arizona da Vinci Fellow for “innovative, productive and highly recognized engineering research.”
Fellow (Class of 2012) American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) "for outstanding contributions in the field of ophthalmology and vision sciences with particular focus on diagnostics and artificial vision systems."
Co-recipient of R&D Magazine's R&D 100 Award and R&D 100 Editors' Choice Awardin 2009 for successful development of the DOE-funded ARGUS II: the only FDA-approved visual prosthesis to date, restoring vision to 350+ blind subjects worldwide.
Recipient of the 2002 NASA Space Flight Awareness (SFA) Launch Honoree Award for visual performance test development in support of NASA's human spaceflight program.