Vance T. Holliday, Ph.D.

Vance Holliday is both an archaeologist and geologist who has spent much of his career reconstructing and interpreting the landscapes and environments in which past societies lived, and how these conditions evolved. Most of his geoarchaeological research has focused on Paleoindian archaeology on the Great Plains, in the Southwest, and in northwest Mexico, but also included Paleolithic sites in Russia and Ukraine. This research and interest culminated in his joining the UA faculty to direct the Argonaut Archaeological Research Fund (AARF), which is devoted to research on the geoarchaeology of the Paleoindian people of the Southwest.
Since 2002, he has been a professor in both the School of Anthropology and Department of Geosciences at the University of Arizona, and Adjunct Professor in Geography & Regional Development. Honors include the "Rip" Rapp Archaeological Geology Award of the Geological Society of America, and the Kirk Bryan Award of the G.S.A., and the Fryxell Award for Interdisciplinary Research from the Society for American Archaeology.